The development of mobile networks and smartphones nowadays has strongly been focusing on new technology as a selling point, as well as ways to simplify our work and enhancement of human life and has formed an integral part of our daily lives. Hence, our newly revamped 3 lifestyle store has taken mobile lifestyle as a theme to match with customers' desire for a smarter, simplified, and relaxed lifestyle.
The new store has a floor area of 150 metre squared, with a design of contrasting colours of black and white stripes traversing each and every single corner of the store. Additionally, the regular store layout combined with wide diagonal lines for the linear light bar and floor pattern, which formed a contemporary style that highlights the brand colours. Other parts recruited a wooden finish and created a sense of harmony and simplicity. In combination with an open ceiling which emphasises the height of the store, has given a simple, spontaneous yet modern edge to the meaning of aesthetic beauty.
For the newly built 3 Supreme customer service quarter, we have employed the idea from aircraft first-class seating, with noise-absorbing fabrics for partitioning, which creates a high level of privacy. Layers of white 3D stripped glass light panels with stainless steel in gold highlight became the feature back wall at the supreme customer service corner. This created a simple yet elegant atmosphere.

流動網絡丶智能手機發展至今除了強調以新科技作賣點外,更強調怎樣幫助我們簡化工作、優化生活體驗等與生活息息相關事宜。我們亦以此作靈感,以流動生活美學作主題,通過全新打造的3 shop 形象店,結合對時下客戶所追求隨性悠閑的生活態度及迎合品味的認同。
新店佔地150平方米,設計以黑白色高對比線條連貫整個店舖的空間,延伸至每寸角落。另外,方正的格局配合大斜紋線條的燈槽及地板,線條利落同時結合品牌顏色。加上其他部份亦利用上木飾面作元素,形成溫暖丶低調的感覺。另結合開放天花的高樓底優勢,呈現出全新3 shop 簡約丶隨性,同時具時尚玩味的新美學態度。
全新而設的3 Supreme專尚客戶服務區,我們以頭等機倉客椅作概念,利用能阻隔聲音的吸音布材為半高間隔,打造出具高私隱度的專屬服務櫃檯。另以白色立體條紋玻璃丶金色不銹鋼配合具層次的燈槽效果,組合出簡潔奢華的主題背牆。